Protecting Concrete Structures
Discover how Liquid Rebels protects concrete structures with our advanced, durable, and eco-friendly coatings. Sealing concrete is essential for various applications, whether it’s preventing moisture ingress into the structure or protecting steel reinforcement from concrete corrosion. Liquid Rebels provides the ideal solution for the long-term protection of concrete.
Our coatings are perfectly suited for sealing a variety of concrete surfaces, ranging from basements and concrete decks to detail joints and seams. With lasting flexibility, Liquid Rebels ensures a seamless and flexible seal without weak points, even on transitions or details.
Our coatings can be applied to various concrete structures, including tunnel decks, basements,
foundations, parking decks, silos, storage pits, water basins, construction joints, retaining walls, and many other applications. Whether it’s for new constructions or renovation projects, Liquid Rebels offers a straightforward solution for repairing (hairline) cracks in concrete and sustainably accommodating the movement of these cracks thanks to the lasting flexibility. Contact us for more information about our coating solutions for concrete structures.